United States National Library of Medicine
Contact : https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information.
8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894
The National Library of Medicine plays a pivotal role in translating biomedical research into practice. As the world’s largest biomedical library, NLM creates and hosts major resources, tools, and services for literature, data, standards, and more, sending more than 100 terabytes of data to nearly five million users and receiving more than ten terabytes of data from more than 3,000 users every weekday.
Scientists, health professionals, and the public in the United States and around the world search the Library's online information resources billions of times each year.In addition, NLM leads research and research training in biomedical informatics, information science, and data science. It conducts intramural research and training it is own laboratories and supports extramural research and training in institutions across the United States.
NLM is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in Bethesda, Maryland, tracing its roots to the founding of the library of the U.S. Army Surgeon General in 1836.
NLM’s Strategic Plan for 2017–2027 envisions NLM as a platform for biomedical discovery and data-powered health by 1) innovating, building, and sustaining an open ecosystem for health information, biomedical data, and scientific scholarship, 2) optimizing user experience and use of our data, literature, and information resources, and 3) assuring a diverse and growing data-savvy biomedical workforce and data-ready users of NLM resources. NLM facilitates open science and scholarship by making digital (and non-digital) research objects findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable, attributable, and sustainable. The practice, products, and processes of data science and open science permeate all of NLM, throughout both its research and service portfolios.
1865—John Shaw Billings, M.D., appointed to supervise Surgeon General's Library, which he developed into a national resource of biomedical literature. He served as director until 1895.
1879—First volume of Index Medicus, the first attempt to identify and code the medical literature, published.
1880—First volume of Index-Catalogue, a multi-part printed bibliography, published.
1922—Library of the Office of the Surgeon General (Army) renamed Army Medical Library.
1952—Army Medical Library renamed Armed Forces Medical Library.
1956—Act of Congress moves Armed Forces Medical Library to U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and renames it the National Library of Medicine.
1961—New National Library of Medicine building, #38 (at 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland, on the NIH campus), dedicated.
1964—Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS), a computer-based system for medical professionals to retrieve biomedical information, becomes operational at NLM.
1965—Medical Library Assistance Act gives NLM responsibility of helping the nation's medical libraries through a grant program and creates the Regional Medical Library Network (now the National Network of Libraries of Medicine).
1967—Toxicology Information Program established at NLM in response to recommendations of the President's science advisory committee.
1968—NLM becomes a component of NIH. The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, NLM's research and development component, created by Congress.
1971—MEDLINE ("MEDLARS Online") initiated to provide online access to a subset of references in the MEDLARS database.
1972—TOXLINE, an online bibliographic service covering pharmacology and toxicology, becomes operational.
1980—NLM's Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications building, #38A, is dedicated. Adjacent to the Library, it houses NLM's research and development components.
1986—Grateful Med—user-friendly software for accessing MEDLARS—is introduced to the health community.
1988—The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) is established at NLM by Congress as a national resource for molecular biology information.
1992—NCBI assumes responsibility for GenBank and US participation in the International Nucleotide Sequence Consortium.
1993—National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology established at NLM by Congress as a national resource for health services research and evidence-based practice guidelines.
1993—NLM's website (www.nlm.nih.gov) appears.
1994—The Visible Human Male, a large computer dataset of images based on a cadaver, is introduced. The Visible Human Female appears one year later.
1997—Access to NLM's MEDLINE/PubMed database becomes free via the World Wide Web.
1998—MedlinePlus released, providing access to consumer health information.
2000—ClinicalTrials.gov, an online resource to give the public easy access to information about research studies, is launched.
2000—PubMed Central, a free archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature, is launched.
2002—NLM launches traveling historical exhibition program with release ofFrankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature.
2003—NLM releases standard format for electronic archiving and publishing of journal articles—the journal article tagging suite or JATS, which later becomes a national standard.
2004—The Secretary of HHS designates NLM as the HHS Coordinating Body for Clinical Terminology Standards.
2006—NIH MedlinePlusmagazine launched to provide Americans with reliable, current health information in a consumer-friendly format. The Spanish-English version, Salud, follows two years later.
2006—dbGaP, the database of genomes and phenomes, launched to provide access genome-wide association studies.
2006—DailyMed makes FDA-approved electronic structured product labels (drug package inserts) available to the public and system developers.
2008—NIH public access policy, requiring deposit in PMC of peer-reviewed articles resulting from NIH-funded research becomes mandatory, as specified in 2008 appropriations law.
2008—Deposit of summary results data in ClinicalTrials.gov becomes mandatory for selected clinical trials of FDA-regulated drugs and devices, as specified in the FDA Amendments Act of 2007.
External links
Contact : https://www.nih.gov/institutes-nih/nih-institute-center-contact-information. 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20894
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