The mental growth of a mongol (1945)

De Medfilm

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Titre :
The mental growth of a mongol
Année de production :
Pays de production :
Réalisation :
Durée :
11 minutes
Format :
Muet - Noir et blanc - 35 mm
Langues d'origine :
Sous-titrage et transcription :
Archives détentrices :
Corpus :

Générique principal


Thèmes médicaux


Genre dominant

Film de recherche


Descriptif NLM :
This film shows a series of tests which were run on a white male baby at the ages of one, two, three, and six years of age to test the boy's mental, cognitive, and motor skills. When the child was one-year old, blocks were placed in front of him. He pushed and pounded them on the table. He was also given a cup, rattle, and bell which he pushed and pounded on the table. The last test showed the nurse trying unsuccessfully to get the child to stand upright on his own. When the child was two-years-old, blocks were placed in front of him and he threw them into a bowl. Then the doctor showed the child how to ring a bell; however, the child did not imitate the action. He was able to sit upright in the crib without assistance. When the child was three, he stacked blocks one on top of the other, used the cup to store blocks, and rang the bell following the doctor's example. The child also walked for the first time. At six years of age, he put blocks and the cup in his mouth repeatedly. Later, he removed a pea from a small-necked bottle and returned it to its orignal position, then continued to remove and replace the pea from the bottle for an extended period of time.


Éléments structurants du film

  • Images de reportage : Non.
  • Images en plateau : Non.
  • Images d'archives : Non.
  • Séquences d'animation : Non.
  • Cartons : Non.
  • Animateur : Non.
  • Voix off : Non.
  • Interview : Non.
  • Musique et bruitages : Non.
  • Images communes avec d'autres films : Non.

Comment le film dirige-t-il le regard du spectateur ?

Comment la santé et la médecine sont-elles présentées ?

Diffusion et réception

Où le film est-il projeté ?

Communications et événements associés au film



Descriptif libre

Notes complémentaires

Références et documents externes
