
De Medfilm

local dict = { ["61"] = {["fr"] = "Thèmes médicaux", ["en"] = "Medical Themes", ["de"] = "Medizinische Themen", ["it"] = "Temi medici", ["ru"] = "Медицинские темы"}, ["611"] = {["fr"] = "Anatomie. Anatomie humaine et comparée", ["en"] = "Anatomy. Human and comparative anatomy", ["de"] = "Anatomie. Menschliche und vergleichende Anatomie", ["it"] = "Anatomia. Anatomia umana e comparata", ["ru"] = "Анатомия. Человеческий и сравнительная анатомия"}, ["612"] = {["fr"] = "Physiologie. Physiologie humaine et comparée", ["en"] = "Physiology. Human and comparative physiology", ["de"] = "Physiologie. Menschliche und vergleichende Physiologie", ["it"] = "Fisiologia. Fisiologia umana e comparata", ["ru"] = "Физиология. Человеческая и сравнительная физиология"}, ["613"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène en général. Santé et hygiène personnelle", ["en"] = "Hygiene generally. Personal health and hygiene", ["de"] = "Hygiene im allgemeinen. Persönliche Gesundheit und Hygiene", ["it"] = "Igiene in generale. Salute e igiene personali", ["ru"] = "Гигиена в целом. Личное здоровье и гигиена"}, ["614"] = {["fr"] = "Santé et hygiène publique. Prévention des accidents", ["en"] = "Public health and hygiene. Accident prevention", ["de"] = "Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen. Unfallschutz", ["it"] = "Salute e igiene pubblica. Prevenzione degli infortuni", ["ru"] = "Общественное здравоохранение и гигиена. Профилактика аварии"}, ["615"] = {["fr"] = "Pharmacologie. Thérapeutique. Toxicologie", ["en"] = "Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology", ["de"] = "Arzneikunde. Pharmakologie. Arzneimittel. Therapeutik. Toxikologie", ["it"] = "Farmacologia. Terapeutica. Tossicologia", ["ru"] = "Фармакология. Терапевтический. Токсикология"}, ["616"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie. Médecine clinique", ["en"] = "Pathology. Clinical medicine", ["de"] = "Pathologie. Klinische Medizin", ["it"] = "Patologia. Medicina clinica", ["ru"] = "Патология. Клиническая медицина"}, ["617"] = {["fr"] = "Chirurgie. Orthopédie. Ophtalmologie", ["en"] = "Surgery. Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology", ["de"] = "Orthopädie. Chirurgie. Augenheilkunde", ["it"] = "Chirurgia. Ortopedia. Oftalmologia", ["ru"] = "Операция. Ортопедия. Офтальмология"}, ["618"] = {["fr"] = "Gynécologie. Obstétrique", ["en"] = "Gynaecology. Obstetrics", ["de"] = "Gynäkologie. Geburtshilfe", ["it"] = "Ginecologia. Ostetricia", ["ru"] = "Гинекология. Акушерство"}, ["611_612"] = {["fr"] = "Biologie humaine", ["en"] = "Human biology", ["de"] = "Humanbiologie", ["it"] = "Biologia umana", ["ru"] = "Человеческая биология"}, ["612.1"] = {["fr"] = "Sang. Système cardio-vasculaire, circulatoire", ["en"] = "Blood. Cardiovascular, circulatory system", ["de"] = "Blut. Kardiovaskuläres System, Kreislaufsystem", ["it"] = "Sangue. Apparato cardiovascolare, circolatorio", ["ru"] = "Кровь. Сердечно -сосудистая система, кровообращение"}, ["612.1_.8"] = {["fr"] = "Physiologie systématique", ["en"] = "Systematic physiology", ["de"] = "Systematische Physiologie", ["it"] = "Fisiologia sistematica", ["ru"] = "Систематическая физиология"}, ["612.2"] = {["fr"] = "Respiration. Système respiratoire", ["en"] = "Respiration. Breathing. Respiratory system", ["de"] = "Respiration. Atmung. Atmungsorgane", ["it"] = "Respirazione. Apparato respiratorio", ["ru"] = "Дыхание. Дыхательная система"}, ["612.3"] = {["fr"] = "Alimentation. Digestion. Nutrition", ["en"] = "Alimentation. Eating. Digestion. Nutrition", ["de"] = "Ernährung. Essen. Verdauung. Nahrung", ["it"] = "Alimentazione. Digestione. Nutrizione", ["ru"] = "Подача. Пищеварение. Питание"}, ["612.4"] = {["fr"] = "Physiologie glandulaire. Sécrétion. Excrétion", ["en"] = "Glandular system. Secretion. Excretion", ["de"] = "Drüsenphysiologie. Sekretion. Exkretion", ["it"] = "Sistema ghiandolare. Secrezione. Escrezione", ["ru"] = "Железная физиология. Секреция. Экскреция"}, ["612.5"] = {["fr"] = "Chaleur animale. Processus thermiques", ["en"] = "Animal heat. Thermal processes", ["de"] = "Wärmebildung. Temperaturregelung", ["it"] = "Calore animale. Processi termici", ["ru"] = "Животное тепло. Тепловой процесс"}, ["612.6"] = {["fr"] = "Reproduction. Croissance. Développement", ["en"] = "Reproduction. Growth. Development", ["de"] = "Fortpflanzung. Wachstum. Entwicklung", ["it"] = "Riproduzione. Crescita. Sviluppo", ["ru"] = "Размножение. Рост. Разработка"}, ["612.7"] = {["fr"] = "Fonctions motrices. Organes locomoteurs. Voix. Tégument", ["en"] = "Motor functions. Organs of locomotion. Voice. Integument", ["de"] = "Motorik. Bewegungsorgane. Stimme. Haut", ["it"] = "Funzioni motorie. Organi di locomozione. Voce. Cute", ["ru"] = "Моторные функции. Локомоторные органы. Голос. Тегмент"}, ["612.8"] = {["fr"] = "Système nerveux. Organes des sens", ["en"] = "Nervous system. Sensory organs", ["de"] = "Nervensystem. Sinnesorgane", ["it"] = "Sistema nervoso. Organi dei sensi", ["ru"] = "Нервная система. Ощущает органы"}, ["613.2"] = {["fr"] = "Diététique. Principes de la nutrition appliqués a l'alimentation et la nourriture", ["en"] = "Dietetics. Nutrition principles applied to feeding and foods", ["de"] = "Diätetik. Grundsätze der Ernährung angewendet für Speisen und Lebensmittel", ["it"] = "Dietetica. Principi della nutrizione applicati all'alimentazione e ai cibi", ["ru"] = "Диетолог. Принципы питания, применяемые к пище и пище"}, ["613.3"] = {["fr"] = "Boissons. Boissons curatives. Eaux médicinales. Régime liquide", ["en"] = "Drinks. Curative drinks. Medicinal waters. Liquid diet", ["de"] = "Getränke. Trinkkuren. Heilwässer. Flüssige Nahrung", ["it"] = "Bevande. Bevande curative. Acque medicinali. Dieta liquida", ["ru"] = "Напитки. Исцеляющие напитки. Лекарственные воды. Жидкость"}, ["613.4"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène personnelle. Propreté. Habillement", ["en"] = "Personal hygiene. Clothing", ["de"] = "Körperpflege. Kleidung", ["it"] = "Igiene personale. Abbigliamento", ["ru"] = "Личная гигиена. Чистота. Одежда"}, ["613.5"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène de l'habitat", ["en"] = "Hygiene of dwellings", ["de"] = "Wohnungshygiene", ["it"] = "Igiene delle abitazioni", ["ru"] = "Гигиена среды обитания"}, ["613.6"] = {["fr"] = "Risques professionnels. Santé et hygiène professionnelle", ["en"] = "Occupational health hazards. Occupational health and hygiene", ["de"] = "Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren. Arbeitsmedizin und Hygiene. Gewerbehygiene", ["it"] = "Rischi per la salute professionali. Salute e igiene professionali", ["ru"] = "Профессиональные риски. Профессиональное здоровье и гигиена"}, ["613.7"] = {["fr"] = "Santé et hygiène des loisirs. Hygiène du repos", ["en"] = "Health and hygiene of leisure, recreation, sleep", ["de"] = "Gesundheit und Hygiene der Ruhe, der Erholung und des Schlafes", ["it"] = "Salute e igiene dello svago, del tempo libero, del sonno", ["ru"] = "Гигиена здоровья и досуга. Гигиена отдыха"}, ["613.8"] = {["fr"] = "Santé et hygiène du système nerveux. Santé et éthique", ["en"] = "Health and hygiene of the nervous system. Health and ethics", ["de"] = "Gesundheit und Hygiene des Nervensystems. Gesundheit und Ethik", ["it"] = "Salute e igiene del sistema nervoso. Salute ed etica", ["ru"] = "Здоровье и гигиена нервной системы. Здоровье и этика"}, ["613.9"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène en relation avec l'âge, le sexe, l'origine ethnique", ["en"] = "Health and hygiene in relation to age, sex, ethnicity", ["de"] = "Gesundheit und Hygiene in Beziehung zu Lebensalter, Geschlecht und Ethnizität", ["it"] = "Salute e igiene in relazione all'età, al sesso, al gruppo etnico", ["ru"] = "Гигиена в отношении возраста, пола, этнического происхождения"}, ["614.1"] = {["fr"] = "Population. Dépopulation", ["en"] = "Population. Depopulation", ["de"] = "Bevölkerung, Entvölkerung vom Standpunkt des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens", ["it"] = "Popolazione. Spopolamento", ["ru"] = "Население. Депопуляция"}, ["614.2"] = {["fr"] = "Organisation des services de santé publique et professionnelle", ["en"] = "Public and professional organization of health", ["de"] = "Öffentliche und berufliche Organisation des Gesundheitswesens", ["it"] = "Organizzazione professionale e pubblica della sanità", ["ru"] = "Организация общественных и профессиональных медицинских услуг"}, ["614.3"] = {["fr"] = "Inspection et contrôle sanitaires", ["en"] = "Sanitary inspection and control", ["de"] = "Sanitäre Aufsicht und Kontrolle, Sanitätsüberwachung", ["it"] = "Ispezioni e controlli sanitari", ["ru"] = "Санитарная проверка и контроль"}, ["614.39"] = {["fr"] = "Systèmes de santé nationaux", ["en"] = "National health services", ["de"] = "Gesundheitsdienst", ["it"] = "Servizio sanitario nazionale", ["ru"] = "Национальные системы здравоохранения"}, ["614.4"] = {["fr"] = "Prévention et contrôle des maladies infectieuses et contagieuses. Prévention des épidémies", ["en"] = "Prevention and control of communicable (infectious, contagious) diseases. Prevention of epidemics", ["de"] = "Prävention und Kontrolle übertragbarer (infektiöser, ansteckender) Krankheiten. Prävention von Epidemien", ["it"] = "Prevenzione e controllo delle malattie trasmissibili (infettive, contagiose). Prevenzione delle epidemie", ["ru"] = "Профилактика и контроль инфекционных и заразных заболеваний. Профилактика эпидемий"}, ["614.6"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène des cimetières", ["en"] = "Cemetery hygiene. Disposal of the dead", ["de"] = "Friedhofshygiene. Entsorgung der Toten, Leichenhygiene", ["it"] = "Igiene dei cimiteri. Igiene relativa ai cadaveri", ["ru"] = "Кладбища гигиена"}, ["614.7"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène de l'air, de l'eau, du sol. Pollution et son contrôle", ["en"] = "Hygiene of air, water, soil. Pollution and its control", ["de"] = "Hygiene von Luft, Wasser und Boden. Umweltverschmutzung und deren Kontrolle", ["it"] = "Igiene dell'aria, dell'acqua, del suolo. Controllo dell'inquinamento", ["ru"] = "Гигиена воздуха, воды, почва. Загрязнение и его контроль"}, ["614.8"] = {["fr"] = "Accidents. Risques. Prévention des accidents. Protection personnelle. Sécurité", ["en"] = "Accidents. Risks. Hazards. Accident prevention. Personal protection. Safety", ["de"] = "Unfälle. Unfallgefahren. Unfallverhütung. Unfallbekämpfung. Unfallschutz", ["it"] = "Incidenti. Rischi. Pericoli. Prevenzione degli infortuni. Protezione personale. Sicurezza", ["ru"] = "Несчастные случаи. Риски. Профилактика аварии. Личная защита. Безопасность"}, ["614.9"] = {["fr"] = "Hygiène vétérinaire. Santé des animaux", ["en"] = "Animal health. Veterinary hygiene", ["de"] = "Tiergesundheit. Veterinärhygiene", ["it"] = "Igiene degli animali. Igiene veterinaria", ["ru"] = "Ветеринарная гигиена. Здоровье животных"}, ["615.1"] = {["fr"] = "Pharmacie générale et professionnelle", ["en"] = "General and professional pharmacy", ["de"] = "Allgemeine und berufliche Pharmazie", ["it"] = "Farmacia generale e professionale", ["ru"] = "Общая и профессиональная аптека"}, ["615.2"] = {["fr"] = "Médicament en fonction de leur action principale", ["en"] = "Medicaments according to their principal action", ["de"] = "Heilmittel, eingeteilt nach ihren Hauptwirkungen", ["it"] = "Medicinali secondo la loro azione principale", ["ru"] = "Наркотик в соответствии с их основным действием"}, ["615.3"] = {["fr"] = "Médicaments en fonction de leur origine", ["en"] = "Medicaments according to their origin", ["de"] = "Heilmittel, eingeteilt nach ihrem Ursprung", ["it"] = "Medicinali secondo la loro origine", ["ru"] = "Наркотики в соответствии с их происхождением"}, ["615.4"] = {["fr"] = "Préparations pharmaceutiques. Matériel médical. Équipement", ["en"] = "Pharmaceutical preparations. Medical material. Equipment", ["de"] = "Pharmazeutische Präparate. Medizinische Materialien und Ausrüstung", ["it"] = "Preparazioni farmaceutiche. Materiale medico. Attrezzature", ["ru"] = "Фармацевтические препараты. Медицинский материал. Оборудование"}, ["615.8"] = {["fr"] = "Physiothérapie. Radiothérapie. Autres traitements thérapeutiques non médicamenteux", ["en"] = "Physiotherapy. Physical therapy. Radiotherapy. Other nonmedicinal therapeutic treatment", ["de"] = "Physiotherapie. Physikalische Therapie. Radiotherapie und sonstige (nichtmedizinische) therapeutische Mittel", ["it"] = "Fisioterapia. Terapia fisica. Radioterapia. Altri trattamenti terapeutici non medicinali", ["ru"] = "Физиотерапия. Лучевая терапия. Другие терапевтические методы лечения не связаны"}, ["615.9"] = {["fr"] = "Toxicologie générale. Étude des produits toxiques et des intoxications", ["en"] = "General toxicology. General studies of poisons and poisoning (intoxication)", ["de"] = "Toxikologie im allgemeinen. Allgemeine Untersuchungen der Gifte und Vergiftungen (Intoxikation)", ["it"] = "Tossicologia generale. Studi generali dei veleni e dell'avvelenamento (intossicazione)", ["ru"] = "Общая токсикология. Изучение токсичных продуктов и отравления"}, ["616-001"] = {["fr"] = "Traumatismes. Lésions. Blessures", ["en"] = "Traumata. Injuries. Wounds", ["de"] = "Traumen. Verletzungen. Wunden", ["it"] = "Traumi. Lesioni. Ferite", ["ru"] = "Травма. Поражения. Раны"}, ["616-001_-009"] = {["fr"] = "Divisions spéciales pour les processus morbides", ["en"] = "Special auxiliary subdivision for morbid processes", ["de"] = "Besondere Anhängezahlen für krankmachende Prozesse", ["it"] = "Numeri ausiliari speciali per i processi morbosi", ["ru"] = "Специальные подразделения для болезненных процессов"}, ["616-002"] = {["fr"] = "Inflammation. Irritation. Engorgement. Congestion muqueuse", ["en"] = "Inflammation. Irritation. Engorgement (hyperaemia). Mucous congestion", ["de"] = "Entzündung. Reizung. Blutstauung (Hyperämie). Verschleimung", ["it"] = "Infiammazione. Irritazione. Congestione (iperemia). Congestione delle mucose", ["ru"] = "Воспаление. Раздражение. Поглощение. Слизистый застой"}, ["616-003"] = {["fr"] = "Processus régressifs et réparateurs", ["en"] = "Regressive and reparative processes", ["de"] = "Regressive und reparative Prozesse", ["it"] = "Processi regressivi e riparativi", ["ru"] = "Регрессивные и ремонтники"}, ["616-004"] = {["fr"] = "Sclérose. Induration. Cirrhose", ["en"] = "Sclerosis. Hardening (induration). Cirrhosis", ["de"] = "Sklerose. Induration. Zirrhose", ["it"] = "Sclerosi. Indurimento. Cirrosi", ["ru"] = "Склероз. Уплотнение. Цирроз"}, ["616-005"] = {["fr"] = "Troubles circulatoires locaux", ["en"] = "Local circulatory disorders", ["de"] = "Zirkulationsstörungen (lokale und allgemeine)", ["it"] = "Disturbi circolatori locali", ["ru"] = "Местные расстройства кровообращения"}, ["616-006"] = {["fr"] = "Tumeurs. Néoplasmes. Blastome. Choristome. Hamartome. Oncologie", ["en"] = "Tumours. Neoplasms. Blastomata. Choristomata. Hamartomata. Oncology", ["de"] = "Tumoren. Neoplasmen im allgemeinen. Blastome. Choristome. Hamartome. Onkologie, Lehre von den Geschwülsten", ["it"] = "Tumori. Neoplasmi. Blastomi. Coristomi. Amartomi. Oncologia", ["ru"] = "Опухоли. Новообразования. Бластома. Хористом. Гамартом. Онкология"}, ["616-007"] = {["fr"] = "Défauts structurels du développement. Difformités physiologiques. Malformations. Hémitérate. Organes atrophiés ou hypertrophiés. Monstres. Anormalités", ["en"] = "Defective structural development. Physiological deformities. Malformations. Hemiterata. Oversized, undersized organs. Teratology. Monsters. Abnormalities", ["de"] = "Körperliche Bildungsfehler. Abnorme Hemiterien, Kleinheit oder Größe von Organen. Anomalien. Teratologie. Lehre von den Mißgeburten. Chemische Monstra. Abnormitäten", ["it"] = "Difetti strutturali dello sviluppo. Deformità fisiologiche. Malformazioni. Organi ipertrofici, atrofici. Teratologia. Mostri. Anomalie", ["ru"] = "Дефекты структурного развития. Физиологические деформации. Пороки развития. Hémitérate. Атрофированные или гипертрофированные органы. Монстры. Аномалии"}, ["616-008"] = {["fr"] = "Troubles des fonctions et du métabolisme", ["en"] = "Functional and metabolic disorders", ["de"] = "Funktionelle und metabolische Störungen", ["it"] = "Disturbi funzionali e metabolici", ["ru"] = "Функции функций и метаболизма"}, ["616-009"] = {["fr"] = "Troubles nerveux", ["en"] = "Neural (nervous) disorders", ["de"] = "Nervöse Störungen", ["it"] = "Disturbi neurali (nervosi)", ["ru"] = "Нервные расстройства"}, ["616-01"] = {["fr"] = "Aspects divers de la maladie, du patient et de l'intervention médicale", ["en"] = "Various aspects of disease, patients and medical intervention", ["de"] = "Verschiedene, die Krankheit, die Kranken und das ärztliche Eingreifen betreffende Gesichtspunkte", ["it"] = "Vari aspetti della malattia, dei pazienti e dell'intervento medico", ["ru"] = "Различные аспекты заболевания, пациента и медицинского вмешательства"}, ["616-01_-099"] = {["fr"] = "Divisions spéciales pour les aspects généraux de la pathologie", ["en"] = "Special auxiliary subdivision for general aspects of pathology", ["de"] = "Besondere Anhängezahlen für allgemeine Probleme der Pathologie", ["it"] = "Numeri ausiliari speciali per gli aspetti generali di patologia", ["ru"] = "Специальные подразделения для общих аспектов патологии"}, ["616-02"] = {["fr"] = "Étiologie. Science des causes des maladies", ["en"] = "Aetiology. Science of the causes of disease", ["de"] = "Ätiologie. Lehre von der Krankheitsursache", ["it"] = "Eziologia. Scienza delle cause della malattia", ["ru"] = "Этиология. Наука о болезнях"}, ["616-03"] = {["fr"] = "Formes diverses des maladies, des traitements et de l'administration des médicaments", ["en"] = "Various forms of disease, of treatment, of administration of medicaments", ["de"] = "Verschiedene Formen von Krankheiten, ihre Behandlung. Verabreichung von Heilmitteln", ["it"] = "Forme varie della malattia, della cura, della somministrazione delle medicine", ["ru"] = "Различные формы заболеваний, лечения и введения лекарств"}, ["616-05"] = {["fr"] = "Personnes et caractéristiques personnelles en pathologie. Caractéristiques du patient", ["en"] = "Persons and personal characteristics in pathology. Characteristics of the patient", ["de"] = "Personen und persönliche Eigenschaften in der Pathologie. Merkmale der Patienten", ["it"] = "Persone e caratteristiche personali nella patologia. Caratteristiche del paziente", ["ru"] = "Личные люди и характеристики в патологии. Характеристики пациента"}, ["616-06"] = {["fr"] = "Complications. Conséquences. Répercussions. Coexistence. Corrélation. Maladies antérieures. État de santé antérieur. Antagonisme entre deux maladies", ["en"] = "Complications. Consequences. Repercussions. Concurrence, simultaneous state. Correlation. Previous illnesses. Previous state of health. Antagonism of two diseases", ["de"] = "Komplikationen. Folgeerscheinungen. Verhalten. Gleichzeitiges Bestehen. Wechselbeziehung. Vorhergehende Erkrankungen. Vorheriger Zustand. Widerstreit zwischen zwei Erkrankungen", ["it"] = "Complicazioni. Conseguenze. Ripercussioni. Coincidenza, stato simultaneo. Correlazione. Malattie precedenti. Precedente stato di salute. Antagonismo di due malattie", ["ru"] = "Осложнения. Последствия. Последствия. Сосуществование. Корреляция. Предыдущие заболевания. Предыдущее состояние здоровья. Антагонизм между двумя заболеваниями"}, ["616-07"] = {["fr"] = "Séméiologie générale. Symptomatologie. Signes et symptômes. Examens. Diagnostic. Propédeutique", ["en"] = "Semeiology. Symptomatology. Signs and symptoms. Examination. Diagnosis. Propaedeutics", ["de"] = "Semiologie. Allgemeine Lehre von den Krankheitserscheinungen. Symptomatologie. Allgemeine Lehre von den Krankheitsanzeichen und -formen. Untersuchungen. Abtasten innerer Organe. Diagnose. Propädeutik", ["it"] = "Semeiotica. Sintomatologia. Segni e sintomi. Esame. Diagnosi. Propedeutica", ["ru"] = "Общая семиология. Симптоматика. Признаки и симптомы. Экзамены. Диагностика. Пропедевтический"}, ["616-08"] = {["fr"] = "Traitement", ["en"] = "Treatment", ["de"] = "Behandlung", ["it"] = "Cura", ["ru"] = "Уход"}, ["616-091"] = {["fr"] = "Anatomie pathologique. Anatomie morbide", ["en"] = "Pathological anatomy. Morbid anatomy", ["de"] = "Pathologische Anatomie", ["it"] = "Anatomia patologica. Anatomia morbosa", ["ru"] = "Патологическая анатомия. Болодовая анатомия"}, ["616-092"] = {["fr"] = "Physiologie pathologique. Processus, mode d'action des maladies. Pathogénie. Étude de l'origine des maladies", ["en"] = "Pathological physiology. Processes, mode of action of diseases. Pathogenesis. Study of origin of diseases", ["de"] = "Pathologische Physiologie. Prozesse, Wirkungsweise von Krankheiten. Pathogenie. Lehre von der Entstehung der Krankheiten", ["it"] = "Fisiologia patologica. Processi, modalità di azione delle malattie. Patogenesi. Studio dell'origine delle malattie", ["ru"] = "Патологическая физиология. Процесс, способ действия заболеваний. Патоген. Изучение происхождения болезней"}, ["616-093"] = {["fr"] = "Techniques microbiennes", ["en"] = "Microbial techniques", ["de"] = "Mikrobielle Techniken", ["it"] = "Tecniche microbiche", ["ru"] = "Микробные методы"}, ["616-094"] = {["fr"] = "Morphologie microbiennes", ["en"] = "Microbial morphology", ["de"] = "Mikrobielle Morphologie", ["it"] = "Morfologia microbica", ["ru"] = "Микробная морфология"}, ["616-095"] = {["fr"] = "Physiologie microbienne", ["en"] = "Microbial physiology", ["de"] = "Mikrobielle Physiologie", ["it"] = "Fisiologia microbica", ["ru"] = "Микробная физиология"}, ["616-097"] = {["fr"] = "Antigènes. Anticorps", ["en"] = "Immunogenicity", ["de"] = "Antigene. Antikörper", ["it"] = "Immunogenicità", ["ru"] = "Антигены. Антитело"}, ["616-098"] = {["fr"] = "Physique, chimie microbienne, métabolisme, catabolisme microbien", ["en"] = "Microbial physics, chemistry, metabolism, catabolism", ["de"] = "Mikrobiologische Physik, Chemie, Metabolismus, Katabolismus", ["it"] = "Fisica, chimica microbica, metabolismo, catabolismo microbico", ["ru"] = "Физика, микробная химия, метаболизм, микробный катаболизм"}, ["616-099"] = {["fr"] = "Empoisonnement. Intoxication", ["en"] = "Poisoning. Intoxication", ["de"] = "Vergiftungen. Intoxikation", ["it"] = "Avvelenamento. Intossicazione", ["ru"] = "Отравление. Отравление"}, ["616-71"] = {["fr"] = "Medical instruments and equipment in general", ["en"] = "Medical instruments and equipment in general", ["de"] = "Medizinische Instrumente und Ausstattung im allgemeinen", ["it"] = "Strumenti medici e attrezzature in generale", ["ru"] = "Медицинские инструменты и оборудование в целом"}, ["616-71_-78"] = {["fr"] = "Divisions spéciales pour l'instrumentation et les appareils de médecine et de chirurgie", ["en"] = "Special auxiliary subdivision for medical and surgical instrumentation and equipment", ["de"] = "Besondere Anhängezahlen für medizinische und chirurgische Instrumente und Ausrüstungen", ["it"] = "Numeri ausiliari speciali per attrezzature e strumenti medici e chirurgici", ["ru"] = "Специальные подразделения для инструментов и лекарств и хирургических устройств"}, ["616-72"] = {["fr"] = "Surgical and therapeutic instruments", ["en"] = "Surgical and therapeutic instruments", ["de"] = "Chirurgische und therapeutische Ausrüstung", ["it"] = "Strumenti chirurgici e terapeutici", ["ru"] = "Хирургические и терапевтические инструменты"}, ["616-74"] = {["fr"] = "Reinforcement and reparative materials and equipment", ["en"] = "Reinforcement and reparative materials and equipment", ["de"] = "Verstärkungs- und Wiederherstellungsmaterial und Ausstattung", ["it"] = "Materiali e attrezzature di rinforzo e riparativi", ["ru"] = "Подкрепление и переворот материалы и оборудование"}, ["616-76"] = {["fr"] = "Corrective and protective appliances, aids etc.", ["en"] = "Corrective and protective appliances, aids etc.", ["de"] = "Korrektion- und Schutzvorrichtungen, Hilfsmittel, usw.", ["it"] = "Apparecchi correttivi e protettivi, ausilii, ecc.", ["ru"] = "Корректирующие и защитные приборы, СПИД и т. Д."}, ["616-77"] = {["fr"] = "Prosthetic materials and parts. Artificial organs etc.", ["en"] = "Prosthetic materials and parts. Artificial organs etc.", ["de"] = "Prothetische Materialien und Teile. Künstliche Organe, usw.", ["it"] = "Materiali e parti protesici. Organi artificiali, ecc.", ["ru"] = "Протезы и детали. Искусственные органы и т. Д."}, ["616-78"] = {["fr"] = "Machines and mechanical apparatus", ["en"] = "Machines and mechanical apparatus", ["de"] = "Medizinische Maschinen und Apparate", ["it"] = "Macchine e apparecchiature meccaniche", ["ru"] = "Машины и механическое аппарат"}, ["616.1"] = {["fr"] = "Affection de l'appareil circulatoire, des vaisseaux sanguins. Affections cardio-vasculaires", ["en"] = "Pathology of the circulatory system, blood vessels. Cardiovascular complaints", ["de"] = "Pathologie des Blutumlaufapparates und der Blutgefäße im allgemeinen. Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden", ["it"] = "Patologia dell'apparato circolatorio, dei vasi sanguigni. Malattie cardiovascolari", ["ru"] = "Кровообращение, кровеносные сосуды. Сердечно -сосудистые условия"}, ["616.1_.9"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie spéciale", ["en"] = "Special pathology", ["de"] = "Spezielle Pathologie", ["it"] = "Patologia speciale", ["ru"] = "Специальная патология"}, ["616.2"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie de l'appareil respiratoire. Affections des organes respiratoires", ["en"] = "Pathology of the respiratory system. Complaints of the respiratory organs", ["de"] = "Krankheiten des Respirations-Apparates. Systema respiratorium. Beschwerden der Atmungsorgane", ["it"] = "Patologia dell'apparato respiratorio. Disturbi degli organi della respirazione", ["ru"] = "Патология дыхательной системы. Респираторные органы привязанности"}, ["616.3"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie de l'appareil digestif. Affections de l'appareil digestif", ["en"] = "Pathology of the digestive system. Complaints of the alimentary canal", ["de"] = "Krankheiten der Verdauungsorgane. Beschwerden des Verdauungstraktes", ["it"] = "Patologia dell'apparato digerente. Malattie del canale alimentare", ["ru"] = "Патология пищеварительной системы. Привязанность к пищеварительной системе"}, ["616.31"] = {["fr"] = "Stomatologie. Cavité orale. Affections de la bouche et des dents", ["en"] = "Stomatology. Oral cavity. Mouth. Diseases of the mouth and teeth", ["de"] = "Stomatologie. Mundhöhle. Mund. Mund-Zahn-Krankheiten", ["it"] = "Stomatologia. Cavità orale. Bocca. Malattie della bocca e dei denti", ["ru"] = "Стоматология. Ротовая полость. Привязанность рта и зубов"}, ["616.4"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie du système lymphatique, des organes hématopoïétiques, du système endocrinien", ["en"] = "Pathology of the lymphatic system, haemopoietic (haematopoietic) organs, endocrines", ["de"] = "Krankheiten der blutbildenden Organe und der geschlossenen Drüsen. Drüsen mit innerer Sekretion. Endokrine Blutgefäßdrüsen", ["it"] = "Patologia del sistema linfatico, degli organi emopoietici (ematopoietici), delle ghiandole endocrine", ["ru"] = "Патология лимфатической системы, гематопоэтических органов, эндокринной системы"}, ["616.5"] = {["fr"] = "Peau. Tégument commun. Dermatologie clinique. Affections cutanés", ["en"] = "Skin. Common integument. Clinical dermatology. Cutaneous complaints", ["de"] = "Haut. Integumentum commune. Dermatologie, Klinische Dermatologie. Hautkrankheiten", ["it"] = "Pelle. Tegumento comune. Dermatologia clinica. Malattie cutanee", ["ru"] = "Кожа. Общий покров. Клиническая дерматология. Кожные условия"}, ["616.6"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie du système uro-génital. Affections urinaires et génitales", ["en"] = "Pathology of the urogenital system. Urinary and sexual (genital) complaints. Urology", ["de"] = "Krankheiten der Harn- und Geschlechtsorgane. Pathologie des Alters", ["it"] = "Patologia dell'apparato urogenitale. Disturbi urinari e sessuali (genitali)", ["ru"] = "Патология Uro-Genital System. Мочевые и генитальные условия"}, ["616.7"] = {["fr"] = "Pathologie des organes locomoteurs. Système squelettique et locomoteur", ["en"] = "Pathology of the organs of locomotion. Skeletal and locomotor systems", ["de"] = "Krankheiten der Fortbewegungsorgane. Skelett und Physiologie des Bewegungsapparates", ["it"] = "Patologia degli organi della locomozione. Apparati locomotore e scheletrico", ["ru"] = "Патология двигательных органов. Скелетная система и локомотор"}, ["616.8"] = {["fr"] = "Neurologie. Neuropathologie. Système nerveux", ["en"] = "Neurology. Neuropathology. Nervous system", ["de"] = "Neurologie. Nervenkrankheiten. Neuropathologie. Nerven-Pathologie", ["it"] = "Neurologia. Neuropatologia. Sistema nervoso", ["ru"] = "Неврология. Невропатология. Нервная система"}, ["616.89"] = {["fr"] = "Psychiatrie. Pathologies psychiatriques. Psychopathologie. Phrénopathies. Psychoses. Anomalies mentales. États psychiques et mentaux morbides. Désordres émotionnels et comportementaux", ["en"] = "Psychiatry. Pathological psychiatry. Psychopathology. Phrenopathies. Psychoses. Mental abnormality. Morbid mental states. Behavioural and emotional disturbances", ["de"] = "Psychiatrie. Pathologische Psychiatrie. Psychopathologie. Phrenopathien. Psychosen. Psychische Störung. Morbid mentale Zustände. Verhaltens- und emotionale Störungen", ["it"] = "Psichiatria. Psichiatria patologica. Psicopatologia. Frenopatie. Psicosi. Anormalità mentale. Stati mentali patologici. Disturbi comportamentali ed emozionali", ["ru"] = "Психиатрия. Психиатрические патологии. Психопатология. Френопатии. Психоз. Ментальные аномалии. Болезные психические и психические состояния. Эмоциональные и поведенческие расстройства"}, ["616.9"] = {["fr"] = "Maladies infectieuses et contagieuses, fièvres", ["en"] = "Communicable diseases. Infectious and contagious diseases, fevers", ["de"] = "Übertragbare Krankheiten. Infektions- und ansteckende Krankheiten, Fieber", ["it"] = "Malattie trasmissibili. Malattie infettive e contagiose, febbri", ["ru"] = "Инфекционные и заразные заболевания, лихорадки"}, ["617.3"] = {["fr"] = "Orthopédie en général", ["en"] = "Orthopaedics in general", ["de"] = "Allgemeine Fragen der Orthopädie", ["it"] = "Ortopedia in generale", ["ru"] = "Ортопедия в целом"}, ["617.7"] = {["fr"] = "Ophtalmologie. Maladie des yeux et traitements", ["en"] = "Ophthalmology. Eye disorders and treatment", ["de"] = "Augenheilkunde, Ophthalmologie. Augenerkrankungen und -behandlungen", ["it"] = "Oftalmologia. Malattie dell'occhio e cura", ["ru"] = "Офтальмология. Глаза и лечение"}, ["À propos"] = {["fr"] = "À propos", ["en"] = "About", ["de"] = "Um", ["it"] = "Di", ["ru"] = "О"}, ["À propos de"] = {["fr"] = "À propos de", ["en"] = "About", ["de"] = "Um", ["it"] = "Di", ["ru"] = "О"}, ["Acteurs"] = {["fr"] = "Acteurs", ["en"] = "Actors", ["de"] = "Schauspieler", ["it"] = "Attori", ["ru"] = "Актеры"}, ["Actualités"] = {["fr"] = "Actualités", ["en"] = "News", ["de"] = "Neuigkeiten", ["it"] = "Notizie", ["ru"] = "Новости"}, ["Administration de la notice"] = {["fr"] = "Administration de la notice", ["en"] = "Record administration", ["de"] = "Eintragsverwaltung", ["it"] = "Amministrazione dell'avvertenza", ["ru"] = "Уведомление об администрировании"}, ["Adresse"] = {["fr"] = "Adresse", ["en"] = "Address", ["de"] = "Adressat", ["it"] = "Indirizzo", ["ru"] = "Адрес"}, ["Allemagne"] = {["fr"] = "Allemagne", ["en"] = "Germany", ["de"] = "Deutschland", ["it"] = "Germania", ["ru"] = "Германия"}, ["Animateur"] = {["fr"] = "Animateur", ["en"] = "Host", ["de"] = "Moderator", ["it"] = "Animatore", ["ru"] = "Аниматор"}, ["Année de diffusion"] = {["fr"] = "Année de diffusion", ["en"] = "Year of release", ["de"] = "Ausstrahlungsjahr", ["it"] = "Anno di diffusione", ["ru"] = "Транспасный год"}, ["Année de production"] = {["fr"] = "Année de production", ["en"] = "Year of production", ["de"] = "Produktionsjahr", ["it"] = "Anno di produzione", ["ru"] = "Год производства"}, ["Années de production et diffusion"] = {["fr"] = "Années de production et diffusion", ["en"] = "Years of production and dissemination", ["de"] = "Jahrelange Produktion und Verbreitung", ["it"] = "Anni di produzione e diffusione", ["ru"] = "Годы производства и распространения"}, ["Appels à contributions"] = {["fr"] = "Appels à contributions", ["en"] = "Calls for papers", ["de"] = "Ausschreibungen", ["it"] = "Richieste di contributi", ["ru"] = "Призывы к вкладу"}, ["Archives "] = {["fr"] = "Archives ", ["en"] = "Archives", ["de"] = "Archiv", ["it"] = "Archivi", ["ru"] = "Архив"}, ["Archives détentrices"] = {["fr"] = "Archives détentrices", ["en"] = "Archive holder(s)", ["de"] = "Archiv", ["it"] = "Archivi detentrici", ["ru"] = "Удерживая архивы"}, ["Audience"] = {["fr"] = "Audience", ["en"] = "Audience", ["de"] = "Publikum", ["it"] = "Pubblico", ["ru"] = "Аудитория"}, ["Audience locale nationale internationale"] = {["fr"] = "Audience", ["en"] = "Local, national, or international audience", ["de"] = "lokales, nationales, internationales Publikum", ["it"] = "Pubblico locale, nazionale, internazionale ?", ["ru"] = "Аудитория"}, ["Auteurs de la fiche"] = {["fr"] = "Auteurs de la fiche", ["en"] = "Record written by", ["de"] = "Autoren der Datei", ["it"] = "Autori del file", ["ru"] = "Авторы файла"}, ["Autour de Medfilm"] = {["fr"] = "Autour de Medfilm", ["en"] = "Around MedFilm", ["de"] = "Zusätzliche Angebote", ["it"] = "Attorno a Medfilm", ["ru"] = "Вокруг Medfilm"}, ["Autres"] = {["fr"] = "Autres", ["en"] = "Others", ["de"] = "Andere", ["it"] = "Altri", ["ru"] = "Другие"}, ["Autriche"] = {["fr"] = "Autriche", ["en"] = "Austria", ["de"] = "Österreich", ["it"] = "Austria", ["ru"] = "Австрия"}, ["Avertissement-Ébauche"] = {["fr"] = "Avertissement : cette fiche est une ébauche. Les informations qui y figurent sont incomplètes et peut-être inexactes.", ["en"] = "Warning: this record is only a draft.", ["de"] = "Warnung: Dieser Eintrag ist bisher nur ein Entwurf.", ["it"] = "ATTENZIONE: questo foglio è una bozza. Le informazioni che appaiono sono incomplete e forse inaccurate.", ["ru"] = "Предупреждение: этот лист - черновик. Информация, появляющаяся там неполной и, возможно, неточной."}, ["Avertissement-images-choc"] = {["fr"] = "Avertissement : quelques séquences de ce film présentent des images difficiles ou choquantes qui peuvent heurter la sensibilité de certaines personnes.", ["en"] = "Warning: this film contains graphic content which some viewers may find disturbing.", ["de"] = "Warnung: Einige Sequenzen dieses Films haben schwierige oder schockierende Bilder, die die Sensibilität bestimmter Menschen treffen können.", ["it"] = "Avvertimento : alcune sequenze di questo film presentano delle immagini difficili o sconvenienti che possono urtare la sensibilità di certe persone.", ["ru"] = "Предупреждение: некоторые последовательности этого фильма имеют сложные или шокирующие образы, которые могут поразить чувствительность некоторых людей."}, ["Avertissement-non-relu"] = {["fr"] = "Avertissement : cette fiche n'a pas encore été relue et peut se révéler incomplète ou inexacte.", ["en"] = "Warning: this record has not been reviewed yet and may be incomplete or inaccurate.", ["de"] = "Warnung: Der Inhalt dieses Eintrags ist noch nicht nachgeprüft worden und könnte damit unvollständig oder fehlerhaft sein.", ["it"] = "Avvertimento : questa scheda non è stata riletta ancora e può rivelarsi incompleta o inesatta.", ["ru"] = "Предупреждение: этот лист еще не перечитывал и может быть неполным или неточным."}, ["Avertissements"] = {["fr"] = "Avertissements", ["en"] = "Warnings", ["de"] = "Warnungen", ["it"] = "Avvertimenti", ["ru"] = "Предупреждения"}, ["Belgique"] = {["fr"] = "Belgique", ["en"] = "Belgium", ["de"] = "Belgien", ["it"] = "Belgio", ["ru"] = "Бельгия"}, ["Bibliographie"] = {["fr"] = "Bibliographie", ["en"] = "Bibliography", ["de"] = "Literaturverzeichnis", ["it"] = "Bibliografia", ["ru"] = "Библиография"}, ["Bibliographie de référence"] = {["fr"] = "Bibliographie de référence", ["en"] = "Reference bibliography", ["de"] = "Literaturnachweise", ["it"] = "Bibliografia di riferimento", ["ru"] = "Справочная библиография"}, ["Burkina Faso"] = {["fr"] = "Burkina Faso", ["en"] = "Burkina Faso", ["de"] = "Burkina Faso", ["it"] = "Burkina Faso", ["ru"] = "Буркина-Фасо"}, ["Canada"] = {["fr"] = "Canada", ["en"] = "Canada", ["de"] = "Kanada", ["it"] = "Canada", ["ru"] = "Канада"}, ["Cartons"] = {["fr"] = "Cartons", ["en"] = "Intertitles", ["de"] = "Zwischentitel", ["it"] = "Carte", ["ru"] = "Карты"}, ["Chronologie"] = {["fr"] = "Chronologie", ["en"] = "Chronology", ["de"] = "Chronologie", ["it"] = "Cronologia", ["ru"] = "Хронология"}, ["Clé de tri"] = {["fr"] = "Clé de tri", ["en"] = "Sorting key", ["de"] = "Sortieren von Schlüssel", ["it"] = "Chiave di smistamento", ["ru"] = "Сортировка ключа"}, ["Commanditaires"] = {["fr"] = "Commanditaires", ["en"] = "Commissioning body", ["de"] = "Auftraggeber", ["it"] = "Finanziatori", ["ru"] = "Спонсоры"}, ["Comment la santé et la médecine sont-elles présentées"] = {["fr"] = "Comment la santé et la médecine sont-elles présentées ?", ["en"] = "How are health and medicine portrayed?", ["de"] = "Wie werden Medizin und Gesundheit dargestellt?", ["it"] = "Come la salute e la medicina sono presentate ?", ["ru"] = "Как представлены здоровья и медицины?"}, ["Comment le film dirige-t-il le regard du spectateur"] = {["fr"] = "Comment le film dirige-t-il le regard du spectateur ?", ["en"] = "How does the film direct the viewer’s attention?", ["de"] = "Wie steuert der Film die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuschauenden?", ["it"] = "Come dirige il film lo sguardo dello spettatore ?", ["ru"] = "Как фильм направляет взгляд зрителя?"}, ["Communications et événements associés au film"] = {["fr"] = "Communications et événements associés au film", ["en"] = "Presentations and events associated with the film", ["de"] = "Zusammenhängende Präsentationen und Events", ["it"] = "Comunicazioni ed avvenimenti soci al film", ["ru"] = "Коммуникации и события, связанные с фильмом"}, ["Contact"] = {["fr"] = "Contact", ["en"] = "Contact", ["de"] = "Kontact", ["it"] = "Contatto", ["ru"] = "Контакт"}, ["Contenus"] = {["fr"] = "Contenus", ["en"] = "Content", ["de"] = "Inhalt", ["it"] = "Contenuti", ["ru"] = "Содержание"}, ["Contexte"] = {["fr"] = "Contexte", ["en"] = "Context", ["de"] = "Hintergrund", ["it"] = "Contesto", ["ru"] = "контекст"}, ["Contexte"] = {["fr"] = "Contexte", ["en"] = "context", ["de"] = "Kontext", ["it"] = "contesto", ["ru"] = "контекст"}, ["Contextes historiques"] = {["fr"] = "Contextes historiques", ["en"] = "Historical contexts", ["de"] = "Historischer Kontext", ["it"] = "Contesti storici", ["ru"] = "Исторические контексты"}, ["Contributeurs"] = {["fr"] = "Contributeurs", ["en"] = "Contributors", ["de"] = "Bearbeiter:innen", ["it"] = "Contributori", ["ru"] = "Участники"}, ["Couleur"] = {["fr"] = "Couleur", ["en"] = "Color", ["de"] = "Farbe", ["it"] = "Colore", ["ru"] = "Цвет"}, ["Descriptif libre"] = {["fr"] = "Descriptif libre", ["en"] = "Description", ["de"] = "Beschreibung", ["it"] = "Descrittivo libero", ["ru"] = "Бесплатное описание"}, ["Description"] = {["fr"] = "Description", ["en"] = "Description", ["de"] = "Beschreibung", ["it"] = "Descrizione", ["ru"] = "Описание"}, ["Diffusion"] = {["fr"] = "Diffusion", ["en"] = "Diffusion", ["de"] = "Diffusion", ["it"] = "Diffusione", ["ru"] = "Диффузия"}, ["Diffusion et réception"] = {["fr"] = "Diffusion et réception", ["en"] = "Broadcasting and reception", ["de"] = "Ausstrahlung und Empfang", ["it"] = "Diffusione e ricezione", ["ru"] = "Диффузия и прием"}, ["Document"] = {["fr"] = "Document", ["en"] = "Document", ["de"] = "Dokumentieren", ["it"] = "Documento", ["ru"] = "Документ"}, ["Documentaire"] = {["fr"] = "Documentaire", ["en"] = "Documentary", ["de"] = "Dokumentarfilm", ["it"] = "Documentario", ["ru"] = "Документальный"}, ["Documents"] = {["fr"] = "Documents", ["en"] = "Documents", ["de"] = "Unterlagen", ["it"] = "Documenti", ["ru"] = "Документы"}, ["Documents attachés au film (script, affiche, scenario...)"] = {["fr"] = "Documents attachés au film (script, affiche, scenario...)", ["en"] = "Documents attached to the film (script, poster, scenario ...)", ["de"] = "Dokumente an den Film angehängt (Drehbuch, Poster, Szenario ...)", ["it"] = "Documenti allegati al film (sceneggiatura, poster, scenario ...)", ["ru"] = "Документы, прикрепленные к фильму (Скрипт, плакат, сценарий ...)"}, ["documents dont"] = {["fr"] = "documents dont", ["en"] = "documents of which", ["de"] = "davon Dokumente", ["it"] = "documenti, di cui", ["ru"] = "Документы которых"}, ["Documents externes (thèse, articles de journaux...)"] = {["fr"] = "Documents externes (thèse, articles de journaux...)", ["en"] = "External documents (thesis, newspaper articles ...)", ["de"] = "Externe Dokumente (These, Zeitungsartikel ...)", ["it"] = "Documenti esterni (tesi, articoli di giornale ...)", ["ru"] = "Внешние документы (тезис, газетные статьи ...)"}, ["dont"] = {["fr"] = "dont", ["en"] = "of which", ["de"] = "davon", ["it"] = "di cui", ["ru"] = "чья"}, ["Durée"] = {["fr"] = "Durée", ["en"] = "Duration", ["de"] = "Länge", ["it"] = "Durata", ["ru"] = "Продолжительность"}, ["Ébauche"] = {["fr"] = "Ébauche", ["en"] = "Draft", ["de"] = "Entwurf", ["it"] = "Brutta copia", ["ru"] = "Черновик"}, ["Ébauches"] = {["fr"] = "Ébauches", ["en"] = "Drafts", ["de"] = "Entwürfe", ["it"] = "bozze", ["ru"] = "Черновики"}, ["Éléments structurants du film"] = {["fr"] = "Éléments structurants du film", ["en"] = "Structuring elements of the film", ["de"] = "Strukturierende Filmelemente", ["it"] = "Elementi strutturati del film", ["ru"] = "Структурирование элементов фильма"}, ["Émission de plateau"] = {["fr"] = "Émission de plateau", ["en"] = "Set", ["de"] = "Satz", ["it"] = "Impostare", ["ru"] = "Установлен"}, ["Emplacement"] = {["fr"] = "Emplacement", ["en"] = "Location", ["de"] = "Ort", ["it"] = "Posizione", ["ru"] = "Расположение"}, ["En-cours"] = {["fr"] = "En cours", ["en"] = "In progress", ["de"] = "In Vorbereitung", ["it"] = "In corso", ["ru"] = "В ходе выполнения"}, ["et/ou"] = {["fr"] = "et/ou", ["en"] = "and or", ["de"] = "und oder", ["it"] = "e o", ["ru"] = "и или"}, ["État de la fiche"] = {["fr"] = "État de la fiche", ["en"] = "Statement", ["de"] = "Aussage", ["it"] = "Dichiarazione", ["ru"] = "Заявление"}, ["États-Unis"] = {["fr"] = "États-Unis", ["en"] = "United States", ["de"] = "Vereinigte Staaten", ["it"] = "stati Uniti", ["ru"] = "Соединенные Штаты"}, ["étudiés sur MedFilm"] = {["fr"] = "étudiés sur MedFilm", ["en"] = "analysed on MedFilm", ["de"] = "analysiert auf Medfilm", ["it"] = "esaminati nella banca dati MedFilm", ["ru"] = "изучал на MedFilm"}, ["Événements"] = {["fr"] = "Événements", ["en"] = "Events", ["de"] = "Veranstaltungen", ["it"] = "Eventi", ["ru"] = "События"}, ["Événements antérieurs"] = {["fr"] = "Événements antérieurs", ["en"] = "Prior events", ["de"] = "vorherige Ereignisse", ["it"] = "Eventi passati", ["ru"] = "Предыдущие события"}, ["expression"] = {["fr"] = "expression", ["en"] = "expression", ["de"] = "Ausdruck", ["it"] = "espressione", ["ru"] = "выражение"}, ["Fiche etudiée événement"] = {["fr"] = "Cette fiche ou ce film ont fait l'objet de réflexions au cours des événements suivants :", ["en"] = "This record or this film was discussed or analysed during the following events:", ["de"] = "Dieser Filmeintrag wurde bei den folgenden Veranstaltungen besprochen:", ["it"] = "Questa scheda o questo film sono stati oggetto di riflessioni durante i seguenti avvenimenti :", ["ru"] = "Этот файл или этот фильм был предметом размышлений во время следующих событий:"}, ["Fiche non traduite"] = {["fr"] = "Cette fiche n'a pas été traduite.", ["en"] = "This record has not been translated.", ["de"] = "Dieses Blatt wurde nicht übersetzt.", ["it"] = "Questa scheda non è stata tradotta.", ["ru"] = "Этот лист не был переведен."}, ["Fiche traduite intro"] = {["fr"] = "Cette fiche a été traduite dans les langues suivantes :", ["en"] = "This record has been translated into the following languages:", ["de"] = "Dieses Blatt wurde in die folgenden Sprachen übersetzt:", ["it"] = "Questa scheda è stata tradotta nelle seguenti lingue:", ["ru"] = "Этот лист был переведен на следующие языки:"}, ["Fiches collaboratives"] = {["fr"] = "Fiches collaboratives", ["en"] = "Collaborative records", ["de"] = "Kollaborative Blätter", ["it"] = "Schede collaborative", ["ru"] = "Совместные листы"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 0"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 0", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 0", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 0", ["it"] = "Spazio 0", ["ru"] = "Пространство 0"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 1"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 1", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 1", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 1", ["it"] = "Spazio 1", ["ru"] = "Пространство 1"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 2"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 2", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 2", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 2", ["it"] = "Spazio 2", ["ru"] = "Пространство 2"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 3"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 3", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 3", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 3", ["it"] = "Spazio 3", ["ru"] = "Пространство 3"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 4"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 4", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 4", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 4", ["it"] = "Espace 4", ["ru"] = "ESPACE 4"}, ["Fiches collaboratives 5"] = {["fr"] = "Espace 5", ["en"] = "Collaborative records 5", ["de"] = "Kollaborationslabor 5", ["it"] = "Espace 5", ["ru"] = "ESPACE 5"}, ["Fiches collaboratives explications"] = {["fr"] = "Les fiches ci-dessous sont proposées pour analyse aux personnes qui souhaitent contribuer à Medfilm. Pour des questions techniques et de droits, la rédaction est restreinte aux membres des établissements d\'enseignement supérieur et de recherche adhérents à la fédération d\'identité RENATER. Après relecture et validation par l'équipe Medfilm, les fiches ainsi produites rejoindront le corpus des fiches validées.", ["en"] = "The records below can be reviewed by anyone who wishes to contribute to MedFilm. For technical reasons and author rights, writing is restricted to the members of institutions of higher education and members identified within the RENATER federation. After review and validation by the MedFilm team, the records will be included in the validated corpus.", ["de"] = "Diese Einträge können von jeder Person bearbeitet werden, die zu Medflim beitragen möchte. Aus technischen Gründen und aufgrund des Urheberrechts ist das Bearbeiten allerdings nur Mitgliedern von Bildungseinrichtungen vorbehalten, die Teil des RENATER-Zusammenschlusses sind. Nach der Überprüfung und Bestätigung durch das Medfilm-Team werden die Einträge zum bestätigten Korpus hinzugefügt.", ["it"] = "Le seguenti schede sono proposte per analisi alle persone che augurano contribuire a Medfilm. Per motivi tecnici e legali, la redazione è restretta ai membri degli stabilimenti di insegnamento superiore e di ricerca aderente alla federazione di identità RENATER. Dopo rilettura e convalida per lo squadra Medfilm, le schede così prodotte raggiungeranno il corpus delle schede validate.", ["ru"] = "Листы ниже предлагаются для анализа людям, которые хотят внести свой вклад в MedFilm. Что касается технических и прав и прав, составление ограничено членами высшего образования и исследовательских учреждений членов Федерации идентификации порьерных. После перечитывания и проверки командой MedFilm производимые файлы присоединятся к корпусу проверенных листов."}, ["Fiches soumises à validation"] = {["fr"] = "Fiches soumises à validation", ["en"] = "Records submitted for validation", ["de"] = "Eintrag zur Überprüfung weitergeleitet", ["it"] = "Schede sottomesse a convalida", ["ru"] = "В валидации отправлены листы"}, ["Fiches validées"] = {["fr"] = "Fiches validées", ["en"] = "Validated records", ["de"] = "Bestätigte Einträge", ["it"] = "Schede validate", ["ru"] = "Подтвержденные листы"}, ["Fiches validées traduites en"] = {["fr"] = "Fiches validées traduites en", ["en"] = "Validated records translated in", ["de"] = "Bestätigte Einträge übersetzt in", ["it"] = "Schede validate tradotte in", ["ru"] = "Подтвержденные листы, переведенные в"}, ["Fiction"] = {["fr"] = "Fiction", ["en"] = "Fiction", ["de"] = "Fiktion", ["it"] = "Fiction", ["ru"] = "Вымысел"}, ["Film de recherche"] = {["fr"] = "Film de recherche", ["en"] = "Search film", ["de"] = "Suchfilm", ["it"] = "Film di ricerca", ["ru"] = "Поисковый фильм"}, ["films"] = {["fr"] = "films", ["en"] = "films", ["de"] = "Filme", ["it"] = "film", ["ru"] = "фильмы"}, ["Films archivés par"] = {["fr"] = "Films archivés par", ["en"] = "Films archived by", ["de"] = "Filme archiviert von", ["it"] = "Film archiviati per", ["ru"] = "Фильмы заархивированы"}, ["Films commandités par"] = {["fr"] = "Films commandités par", ["en"] = "Films commissioned by", ["de"] = "Auftrag von", ["it"] = "Films finanziati da", ["ru"] = "Фильмы спонсируются"}, ["Films et fiches"] = {["fr"] = "Films et fiches", ["en"] = "Database", ["de"] = "Datenbank", ["it"] = "Film e schede", ["ru"] = "Фильмы и файлы"}, ["Films produits par"] = {["fr"] = "Films produits par", ["en"] = "Films produced by", ["de"] = "Filme hergestellt von", ["it"] = "Prodotto per", ["ru"] = "Фильмы, созданные"}, ["Focus"] = {["fr"] = "Focus", ["en"] = "Focus", ["de"] = "Fokus", ["it"] = "Messa a fuoco", ["ru"] = "Фокус"}, ["Format"] = {["fr"] = "Format", ["en"] = "Format", ["de"] = "Format", ["it"] = "Formato", ["ru"] = "Формат"}, ["Format couleur"] = {["fr"] = "Format couleur", ["en"] = "Color format", ["de"] = "Farbformat", ["it"] = "Formato colore", ["ru"] = "Цветовой формат"}, ["Format film"] = {["fr"] = "Format film", ["en"] = "Film format", ["de"] = "Filmformat", ["it"] = "Formato cinematografico", ["ru"] = "Формат фильма"}, ["Format son"] = {["fr"] = "Format son", ["en"] = "Sound format", ["de"] = "Schallformat", ["it"] = "Formato sonoro", ["ru"] = "Звуковой формат"}, ["Formats film"] = {["fr"] = "Formats film", ["en"] = "Film formats", ["de"] = "Filmformate", ["it"] = "Formati cinematografici", ["ru"] = "Форматы фильмов"}, ["Formats films"] = {["fr"] = "Formats films", ["en"] = "Film formats", ["de"] = "Filmformate", ["it"] = "Formati cinematografici", ["ru"] = "Форматы фильмов"}, ["France"] = {["fr"] = "France", ["en"] = "France", ["de"] = "Frankreich", ["it"] = "France", ["ru"] = "Франция"}, ["Générique principal"] = {["fr"] = "Générique principal", ["en"] = "Main credits", ["de"] = "Vor-/Nachspann", ["it"] = "Principale generic", ["ru"] = "Главный общий"}, ["Genre dominant"] = {["fr"] = "Genre dominant", ["en"] = "Main genre", ["de"] = "Vorherrschende Gattung", ["it"] = "Genere dominante", ["ru"] = "Прокатывание"}, ["Genres"] = {["fr"] = "Genres", ["en"] = "Genres", ["de"] = "Genres", ["it"] = "Generi", ["ru"] = "Жанры"}, ["Images communes avec d'autres films"] = {["fr"] = "Images communes avec d'autres films", ["en"] = "Images featured in other films", ["de"] = "Bilder, die auch in anderen Filmen auftauchen", ["it"] = "Immagini comuni con altri film", ["ru"] = "Общие изображения с другими фильмами"}, ["Images d archives"] = {["fr"] = "Images d'archives", ["en"] = "Archival footage", ["de"] = "Archivbilder", ["it"] = "Immagini di archivi", ["ru"] = "Архив"}, ["Images d'archives"] = {["fr"] = "Images d'archives", ["en"] = "Archives", ["de"] = "Archiv", ["it"] = "Archivi", ["ru"] = "Архив"}, ["Images de reportage"] = {["fr"] = "Images de reportage", ["en"] = "Reporting footage", ["de"] = "Reportage-/Nachrichtenmaterial", ["it"] = "Immagini da reportage", ["ru"] = "Сообщите изображения"}, ["Images en plateau"] = {["fr"] = "Images en plateau", ["en"] = "Set footage", ["de"] = "Studioaufnahmen", ["it"] = "Foto studio", ["ru"] = "Изображения подноса"}, ["Inconnue"] = {["fr"] = "Inconnue", ["en"] = "Unknown", ["de"] = "Unbekannte", ["it"] = "Sconosciuta", ["ru"] = "Неизвестный"}, ["InfoSubtitles"] = {["fr"] = "Si vous rencontrez un problème d'affichage des sous-titres, veuillez essayer un autre navigateur.", ["en"] = "If you have trouble viewing subtitles, try using a different web browser.", ["de"] = "Falls Störungen beim Anzeigen der Untertitel auftreten, versuchen Sie bitte einen anderen Webbrowser.", ["it"] = "Se hai un problema per visualizzare i sottotitoli, prova un altro browser.", ["ru"] = "Если у вас есть проблема с отображением субтитров, попробуйте другой браузер."}, ["Institutions"] = {["fr"] = "Institutions", ["en"] = "Institutions", ["de"] = "Institutionen", ["it"] = "Istituzioni", ["ru"] = "Учреждения"}, ["Internationale"] = {["fr"] = "Internationale", ["en"] = "International", ["de"] = "international", ["it"] = "Internazionale", ["ru"] = "Международный"}, ["Interview"] = {["fr"] = "Interview", ["en"] = "Interview", ["de"] = "Interview", ["it"] = "Colloquio", ["ru"] = "Интервью"}, ["Inventaire"] = {["fr"] = "Inventaire", ["en"] = "Inventory", ["de"] = "Inventar", ["it"] = "Inventario", ["ru"] = "Инвентарь"}, ["Italie"] = {["fr"] = "Italie", ["en"] = "Italy", ["de"] = "Italien", ["it"] = "Italia", ["ru"] = "Италия"}, ["Kits pédagogiques"] = {["fr"] = "Kits pédagogiques", ["en"] = "Teaching kits", ["de"] = "Lehrpakete", ["it"] = "Kits pedagogici", ["ru"] = "Образовательные наборы"}, ["Langue"] = {["fr"] = "Langue", ["en"] = "Language", ["de"] = "Sprache", ["it"] = "Lingua", ["ru"] = "Язык"}, ["Langues"] = {["fr"] = "Langues", ["en"] = "Languages", ["de"] = "Sprachen", ["it"] = "Le lingue", ["ru"] = "Языки"}, ["Langues d origine"] = {["fr"] = "Langues d'origine", ["en"] = "Original languages", ["de"] = "Originalsprache", ["it"] = "Lingue di origine", ["ru"] = "Оригинальные языки"}, ["Liens externes"] = {["fr"] = "Liens externes", ["en"] = "External links", ["de"] = "externe Links", ["it"] = "Link esterni", ["ru"] = "внешние ссылки"}, ["Locale"] = {["fr"] = "Locale", ["en"] = "Local", ["de"] = "Lokal", ["it"] = "Locale", ["ru"] = "Местный"}, ["Mali"] = {["fr"] = "Mali", ["en"] = "Mali", ["de"] = "Mali", ["it"] = "Mali", ["ru"] = "Мали"}, ["Mention ERC"] = {["fr"] = "Cette fiche a été rédigée et/ou traduite dans le cadre du projet BodyCapital, financé par l'European Research Council (ERC) et le programme de l'Union européenne pour la recherche et l'innovation Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No 694817).", ["en"] = "This sheet was written and/or translated as part of the project BodyCapital, funded by European Research Council (ERC) and The European Union for Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 (Grant Agrement No 694817).", ["de"] = "Das Verfassen und/oder die Übersetzung dieser Seite wurden im Rahmen des ERC-Projekts", ["it"] = "Questo foglio è stato scritto e/o tradotto come parte del progetto BodyCapital, finanziato da European Research Council (ERC) e l'Unione europea Per il programma di ricerca e innovazione Horizon 2020 (Grant Agrement n. 694817).", ["ru"] = "Этот лист был написан и/или переведен как часть проекта Bodycapital, финансируемое Европейский исследовательский совет (ERC) и Европейского Союза. для исследований и инновационных программ Horizon 2020 (грант Agrement № 694817)."}, ["Mention SNSF"] = {["fr"] = "Cette fiche a été rédigée et/ou traduite dans le cadre du projet Infectious Diseases, financé par la National Suisse de la recherche scientifique (FSNSF).", ["en"] = "This sheet was written and/or translated within the framework of the project Infectious Diseases, funded by the National Science Foundation (FSNSF).", ["de"] = "Dieses Blatt wurde im Rahmen des Projekts geschrieben und/oder übersetzt -Recherche-Scientific-Fns | Swiss National Fund of Scientific Research] (FSNSF).", ["it"] = "Questo foglio è stato scritto e/o tradotto nel framework del progetto waternsndrending ma malattie infettive, finanziato da -suissesese -Recherche-scientifico-FNS | Swiss National Fund of Scientific Research (FSNSF).", ["ru"] = "Этот лист был написан и/или переведен в рамках проекта waternddrending инфекционные заболевания, финансируется -suisse -Recherche Science-FNS | Швейцарский национальный фонд научных исследований (FSNSF)."}, ["Message-inventaire"] = {["fr"] = "Pour chaque format, la première valeur désigne le nombre de pièces archivées, la deuxième désigne le nombre de ces pièces qui ont été numérisées.", ["en"] = "For each format, the first value refers to the number of archived items and the second indicates how many of these items have been digitised.", ["de"] = "Für jedes Format gibt die erste Zahl die Anzahl der gespeicherten Elemente an, die zweite die Anzahl der davon digitalisierten Elemente.", ["it"] = "Per ogni formato, il primo valore designa il numero di documenti archiviati, il secondo designa il numero di queste parti che sono state scansionate.", ["ru"] = "Для каждого формата в первом значении обозначает количество архивных документов, второе обозначает количество этих частей, которые были отсканированы."}, ["Métadonnées"] = {["fr"] = "Métadonnées", ["en"] = "Metadata", ["de"] = "Metadaten", ["it"] = "Metadati", ["ru"] = "Метаданные"}, ["Métrage"] = {["fr"] = "Métrage", ["en"] = "Length", ["de"] = "Länge", ["it"] = "Metraggio", ["ru"] = "Отснятый материал"}, ["mètres"] = {["fr"] = "mètres", ["en"] = "metres", ["de"] = "Meter", ["it"] = "metri", ["ru"] = "метры"}, ["minutes"] = {["fr"] = "minutes", ["en"] = "minutes", ["de"] = "Minuten", ["it"] = "minuti", ["ru"] = "минуты"}, ["Muet"] = {["fr"] = "Muet", ["en"] = "Mute", ["de"] = "Stumm", ["it"] = "Muto", ["ru"] = "Немой"}, ["Musique et bruitages"] = {["fr"] = "Musique et bruitages", ["en"] = "Music and sound effects", ["de"] = "Musik und Soundeffekte", ["it"] = "Musica e bruitages", ["ru"] = "Музыка и звуковые эффекты"}, ["Nationale"] = {["fr"] = "Nationale", ["en"] = "National", ["de"] = "National", ["it"] = "Nazionale", ["ru"] = "Национальный"}, ["Noir et blanc"] = {["fr"] = "Noir et blanc", ["en"] = "Black and white", ["de"] = "Schwarz und weiß", ["it"] = "Bianco e nero", ["ru"] = "Черное и белое"}, ["Nom du document"] = {["fr"] = "Nom du document", ["en"] = "Document name", ["de"] = "Dokumentname", ["it"] = "Nome del documento", ["ru"] = "Название документа"}, ["Non"] = {["fr"] = "Non", ["en"] = "No", ["de"] = "Nein", ["it"] = "No", ["ru"] = "Неа"}, ["non"] = {["fr"] = "non", ["en"] = "no", ["de"] = "nein", ["it"] = "no", ["ru"] = "Неа"}, ["Notes complémentaires"] = {["fr"] = "Notes complémentaires", ["en"] = "Supplementary notes", ["de"] = "Zusätzliche Informationen", ["it"] = "Note aggiuntive", ["ru"] = "Дополнительные примечания"}, ["Nouvel élément"] = {["fr"] = "Nouvel élément", ["en"] = "New element", ["de"] = "Neues Element", ["it"] = "Nuovo elemento", ["ru"] = "Новый элемент"}, ["numérisés"] = {["fr"] = "numérisés", ["en"] = "digitised", ["de"] = "digitalisiert", ["it"] = "digitalizzati", ["ru"] = "Оцифровано"}, ["Orthographe vérifiée"] = {["fr"] = "Orthographe vérifiée", ["en"] = "Verified spelling", ["de"] = "Verifizierte Rechtschreibung", ["it"] = "Ortografia verificata", ["ru"] = "Проверенное написание"}, ["Où le film est-il projeté"] = {["fr"] = "Où le film est-il projeté ?", ["en"] = "Where is the film screened?", ["de"] = "Wo wurde der Film gezeigt?", ["it"] = "Dove il film è progettato ?", ["ru"] = "Где показывается фильм?"}, ["Oui"] = {["fr"] = "Oui", ["en"] = "Yes", ["de"] = "Ja", ["it"] = "Sì", ["ru"] = "Да"}, ["oui"] = {["fr"] = "oui", ["en"] = "yes", ["de"] = "Ja", ["it"] = "sì", ["ru"] = "да"}, ["Parlant"] = {["fr"] = "Parlant", ["en"] = "speaking film", ["de"] = "sprechender Film", ["it"] = "Film di lingua", ["ru"] = "говорящий фильм"}, ["Partenaires"] = {["fr"] = "Partenaires", ["en"] = "Partners", ["de"] = "Partner", ["it"] = "Partner", ["ru"] = "Партнеры"}, ["Pays"] = {["fr"] = "Pays", ["en"] = "Country", ["de"] = "Land", ["it"] = "Paese", ["ru"] = "Страна"}, ["Pays de production"] = {["fr"] = "Pays de production", ["en"] = "Country of production", ["de"] = "Produktionsland", ["it"] = "Paese di produzione", ["ru"] = "Страна производства"}, ["Personnalités"] = {["fr"] = "Personnalités", ["en"] = "Personalities", ["de"] = "Persönlichkeiten", ["it"] = "Personalità", ["ru"] = "Личности"}, ["Présentation"] = {["fr"] = "Présentation", ["en"] = "About MedFilm", ["de"] = "Über MedFilm", ["it"] = "Presentazione", ["ru"] = "Презентация"}, ["Productions acquises"] = {["fr"] = "Productions acquises", ["en"] = "Acquired productions", ["de"] = "Erworbene Produktionen", ["it"] = "Produzioni acquisite", ["ru"] = "Приобретенные производства"}, ["Productions propres"] = {["fr"] = "Productions propres", ["en"] = "Clean productions", ["de"] = "Saubere Produktionen", ["it"] = "Produzioni pulite", ["ru"] = "Чистые производства"}, ["Public"] = {["fr"] = "Public", ["en"] = "Audience", ["de"] = "Publikum", ["it"] = "Publicco", ["ru"] = "Аудитория"}, ["Réalisateurs"] = {["fr"] = "Réalisateurs", ["en"] = "Director(s)", ["de"] = "Regie", ["it"] = "Realizzatori", ["ru"] = "Директора"}, ["Recherche avancée"] = {["fr"] = "Recherche avancée", ["en"] = "Advanced search", ["de"] = "Erweiterte Suche", ["it"] = "Ricerca Avanzata", ["ru"] = "Расширенный поиск"}, ["Référence"] = {["fr"] = "Référence", ["en"] = "Reference", ["de"] = "Bezug", ["it"] = "Riferimento", ["ru"] = "Ссылка"}, ["Références"] = {["fr"] = "Références", ["en"] = "References", ["de"] = "Einzelnachweise", ["it"] = "Riferimenti", ["ru"] = "использованная литература"}, ["Références et documents externes"] = {["fr"] = "Références et documents externes", ["en"] = "References and external documents", ["de"] = "Verweise und externe Dokumente", ["it"] = "Riferimenti e documenti esterni", ["ru"] = "Ссылки и внешние документы"}, ["Référents scientifiques"] = {["fr"] = "Référents scientifiques", ["en"] = "Scientific advisor(s)", ["de"] = "Wissenschaftliche Beratung", ["it"] = "Referenti scientifici", ["ru"] = "Научные ссылки"}, ["Résumé"] = {["fr"] = "Résumé", ["en"] = "Synopsis", ["de"] = "Zusammenfassung", ["it"] = "Riassunto", ["ru"] = "Резюме"}, ["résumé"] = {["fr"] = "Résumé", ["en"] = "Synopsis", ["de"] = "Zusammenfassung", ["it"] = "Riassunto", ["ru"] = "Резюме"}, ["Royaume-Uni"] = {["fr"] = "Royaume-Uni", ["en"] = "UK", ["de"] = "Vereinigtes Königreich", ["it"] = "UK", ["ru"] = "Великобритания"}, ["Russie"] = {["fr"] = "Russie", ["en"] = "Russia", ["de"] = "Russland", ["it"] = "Russia", ["ru"] = "Россия"}, ["Séquences d animation"] = {["fr"] = "Séquences d'animation", ["en"] = "Animated sequences", ["de"] = "Zeichentrickfolge", ["it"] = "Sequenze di animazione", ["ru"] = "Анимационные последовательности"}, ["Série"] = {["fr"] = "Série", ["en"] = "Series", ["de"] = "Reihenfolge", ["it"] = "Serie", ["ru"] = "Серии"}, ["Site"] = {["fr"] = "Page web", ["en"] = "Site", ["de"] = "Seite", ["it"] = "pagina web", ["ru"] = "веб-страница"}, ["Sociétés de production"] = {["fr"] = "Sociétés de production", ["en"] = "Production companies", ["de"] = "Produktionsfirma", ["it"] = "Società di produzione", ["ru"] = "Производственные компании"}, ["Soumise à validation"] = {["fr"] = "Soumise à validation", ["en"] = "Validation", ["de"] = "Validierung", ["it"] = "Convalida", ["ru"] = "Проверка"}, ["Sous-titrage"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titrage", ["en"] = "Subtitles", ["de"] = "Untertitelung", ["it"] = "Sottotitoli", ["ru"] = "Субтитры"}, ["Sous-titrage-et-transcription"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titrage et transcription", ["en"] = "Subtitles and transcription", ["de"] = "Untertitelung und Transkription", ["it"] = "Sottotitoli e trascrizione", ["ru"] = "Субтитры и транскрипция"}, ["Sous-titré"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titré", ["en"] = "Subtitled", ["de"] = "Untertitelt", ["it"] = "Sottotitolato", ["ru"] = "Подзаголовок"}, ["Sous-titré-par"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titré par", ["en"] = "Subtitled by", ["de"] = "Untertitelt von", ["it"] = "Sottotitolato da", ["ru"] = "Подзаголовок"}, ["Sous-titres"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titres", ["en"] = "Subtitles", ["de"] = "Untertitel", ["it"] = "Sottotitoli", ["ru"] = "Субтитры"}, ["St allemand"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titrage du film en allemand", ["en"] = "German subtitles", ["de"] = "Filmuntertitel in Deutsch", ["it"] = "Film sottotitoli in tedesco", ["ru"] = "Фильм -субтитры на немецком языке"}, ["St anglais"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titrage du film en anglais", ["en"] = "English subtiles", ["de"] = "Film Untertitel in Englisch", ["it"] = "Film sottotitoli in inglese", ["ru"] = "Фильм -субтитры на английском языке"}, ["St français"] = {["fr"] = "Sous-titrage du film en français", ["en"] = "French subtitles", ["de"] = "Film Untertitel in Französisch", ["it"] = "Film sottotitoli in francese", ["ru"] = "Фильм -субтитры на французском языке"}, ["Suisse"] = {["fr"] = "Suisse", ["en"] = "Swiss", ["de"] = "schweizerisch", ["it"] = "svizzero", ["ru"] = "Швейцарский"}, ["Suite"] = {["fr"] = "Suite", ["en"] = "More", ["de"] = "Mehr", ["it"] = "Seguito", ["ru"] = "После"}, ["Sujet"] = {["fr"] = "Sujet", ["en"] = "Theme", ["de"] = "Gegenstand", ["it"] = "Soggetto", ["ru"] = "Тема"}, ["Sujets médico-sanitaires évoqués"] = {["fr"] = "Sujets médico-sanitaires évoqués", ["en"] = "Medical and health topics discussed", ["de"] = "erwähnte ärtzliche-gesundheitliche Themen", ["it"] = "Argomenti médico-sanitari rievocati", ["ru"] = "Медико-санитарные предметы упомянуты"}, ["sur Medfilm"] = {["fr"] = "sur Medfilm", ["en"] = "on MedFilm", ["de"] = "auf MedFilm", ["it"] = "su Medfilm", ["ru"] = "на MedFilm"}, ["Thèmes"] = {["fr"] = "Thèmes", ["en"] = "Themes", ["de"] = "Themen", ["it"] = "Temi", ["ru"] = "Темы"}, ["Thèmes médicaux"] = {["fr"] = "Thèmes médicaux", ["en"] = "Medical themes", ["de"] = "Medizinische Themen", ["it"] = "Temi medici", ["ru"] = "Медицинские темы"}, ["Thèmes médicaux abordés dans le film"] = {["fr"] = "Thèmes médicaux abordés dans le film", ["en"] = "Medical themes addressed in the film", ["de"] = "Medizinische Themen im Film angesprochen", ["it"] = "Temi medici affrontati nel film", ["ru"] = "Медицинские темы, адресованные в фильме"}, ["titre"] = {["fr"] = "Titre", ["en"] = "Title", ["de"] = "Titel", ["it"] = "Titolo", ["ru"] = "Заголовок"}, ["Titre"] = {["fr"] = "Titre", ["en"] = "Title", ["de"] = "Titel", ["it"] = "Titolo", ["ru"] = "Заголовок"}, ["Toutes les fiches"] = {["fr"] = "Toutes les fiches", ["en"] = "All files", ["de"] = "Alle Dateien", ["it"] = "Tutti i files", ["ru"] = "Все файлы"}, ["Traducteurs vers"] = {["fr"] = "Traducteurs vers", ["en"] = "Translators to", ["de"] = "Übersetzer zu", ["it"] = "Traduttori a", ["ru"] = "Переводчики в"}, ["Traducteurs vers allemand"] = {["fr"] = "Traducteurs de la fiche vers l'allemand", ["en"] = "Record translated into German by", ["de"] = "Übersetzung ins Deutsche", ["it"] = "Traduttori di lamiera tedesca in tedesco", ["ru"] = "Немецкие переводчики на немецкий"}, ["Traducteurs vers anglais"] = {["fr"] = "Traducteurs de la fiche vers l'anglais", ["en"] = "Record translated into English by", ["de"] = "Übersetzung ins Englische", ["it"] = "Traduttori dal foglio all'inglese", ["ru"] = "Переводчики от листа на английский"}, ["Traducteurs vers français"] = {["fr"] = "Traducteurs de la fiche vers le français", ["en"] = "Record translated into French by", ["de"] = "Übersetzung ins Französische", ["it"] = "Traduttori del file in francese", ["ru"] = "Переводчики файла на французский"}, ["Traduit"] = {["fr"] = "Traduit", ["en"] = "Translated", ["de"] = "Übersetzt", ["it"] = "Tradotto", ["ru"] = "Переведенный"}, ["Traduit en"] = {["fr"] = "Traduit en", ["en"] = "Translated into", ["de"] = "Übersetzt in", ["it"] = "Tradotto in", ["ru"] = "Переведен в"}, ["traduites en"] = {["fr"] = "traduites en", ["en"] = "translated in", ["de"] = "Übersetzt in", ["it"] = "tradotte in", ["ru"] = "переведен в"}, ["Transcription"] = {["fr"] = "Transcription", ["en"] = "Transcription", ["de"] = "Transkription", ["it"] = "Trascrizione", ["ru"] = "Транскрипция"}, ["Validée"] = {["fr"] = "Validée", ["en"] = "Validated", ["de"] = "Bestätigt", ["it"] = "Convalidato", ["ru"] = "Подтвержден"}, ["Voix off"] = {["fr"] = "Voix off", ["en"] = "Voice-over", ["de"] = "Voiceover", ["it"] = "Voce off", ["ru"] = "Голос"}, ["Vue amateure"] = {["fr"] = "Vue amateure", ["en"] = "Amateur view", ["de"] = "Amateuransicht", ["it"] = "Vista amatoriale", ["ru"] = "Любительский вид"} }

return dict